Saturday, December 29, 2012

Make whoopie cake treats for a party

Classic Whoopie Pies

For the pies:

125g (4 ½ oz) butter or margarine, softened 
200g (7oz) light brown sugar 
1 large egg, beaten 
350g (12oz) plain flour 
50g (2oz) cocoa powder 
5.25ml (1 ¼ tsp) Dr Oetker Bicarbonate of Soda
1.25ml (½ tsp) salt 
250ml (9fl.oz) low fat buttermilk
For the topping:


If you're still paying off your student loans (or soon will be), learning might feel like more of a chore than fun. The good news is that learning can be fun and free. Below is a list of 15 ways to learn something new at no cost. So take a look, go forth, and expand your mind!

6 Moments You Need to Let Dad Have With Baby

Do you melt when you see your partner interact with baby? I know I do. One of the most rejuvenating and touching things is to watch my husband spend time with our son. My husband is patient, playful, and attentive (maybe I am biased but I think he is pretty great). Sometimes I even sneak outside the doorway just to listen to them make noises at each other. It is precious!

Taking Medicine During Pregnancy

There may come a time during your pregnancy when you’re feeling under the weather and aren’t sure if you can take your regular over-the-counter medication. Some medications are safe to take during pregnancy. But others are not, or their effects on your baby may not be known.  
When you meet with your doctor to confirm you're pregnant, ask what meds are OK to take and what meds you need to find alternatives for. Your health care provider will weigh the risks and benefits to help you know what's safe.
Also, tell your doctor about any alternative medicines or supplements you take, even if the label says "natural." And if you get any new prescriptions while you're pregnant, make sure the people who prescribe them know that you're pregnant.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Throwing a 1st Birthday Party

An amazing 100% of parents interviewed for a survey by said they found preparing their baby's first birthday party stressful - but it doesn't have to be.
We asked the website's founder Allison Graham for advice on making sure the big day goes smoothly:
1. Always write 'You and your child' on invitations, so parents know you'd like them to stick around. Otherwise you could end up entertaining a dozen babies singlehanded. Yikes!
2. Invite a couple of friends round to help out. 
3. Food-wise, stick to easy-to-eat finger foods like pieces of cheese and fruit. Mini sandwiches cut into fun shapes are always a hit.
4. have a pack of wet wipes to hans at all times. 
5. Organise a few easy, safe games. Paper cups of different colours make great building blocks. Balloons are en endless source of fun.
6. Create a memory book for the birthdy baby by asking parents to write down special moments from the party or the last year.
7. Keep it short - no longer than a couple of hours.
8. Instead of party bags, why not send each child a personalised placemat afterwards? Simply get each child to do painted handprints on a piece of paper, then take them to your nearest print shop to be laminated.
For a free party guide, visit 

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Thank you very much for your interest , and again our final remark as always is : Change Your Brain ,Now! 

Homemade Toddler Treats

Meringue mountain
Suitable from 1y
Makes 12
300g caster sugar
150g egg whites (from about 5 large eggs)
pink food colouring
blue food colouring
1tbs cocoa
edible silver balls and coloured sprinkles
You'll also need two solid baking trays, lined with baking parchment

Expert Potty Training Advice

Prima Baby's Wondernanny offers help and advice for 3 year old Kayla, who will only poo in a nappy!

The problem:
Kayla will only do a poo in a nappy. She's quite capable of taking her own pants off and putting on a nappy herself in order to do a poo. Her parents have tried sitting her on the toilet, reading stories, using sticker charts, promising special treats or an outing, but nothing seems to work.

Gitte says:
Toilet training can be quite daunting and you must be very sure your toddler is ready for the change. Make sure everything about doing a poo, nappy-free, is child-friendly. Make sure the potty is comfortable if that's what you're using, or there's a step and child seat on the toilet. Don't rush your toddler, and never force them.

Bin the nappy:
Kayla was in complete control of her bowels and unless the nappies were removed from the house she would always be able to rely on them. I asked Kayla and her parents to throw all the nappies into the bin. This would send a powerful message to Kayla that the nappies were gone and would no longer be there for her to rely on.

Prevent problems:
I didn't want Kayla to 'hold on' for a nappy as this could result in her becoming constipated. So I suggested to her mum that she should pay particular attention to diet and exercise at this time, ensuring Kayla was getting plenty of fluids , nutritious foods and exercise.

Reward charts can help:
Kayla was old enough to understand the concept of a reward chart so to start with Kayla got a sticker ont he chart every time she 'tried' to do a poo on the toilet, as 'trying' should be praised too. Toddlers need instant rewards, so small things like stickers work well.

Night-time nappies:
I didn't want Kayla to wait until bedtime to do a poo in a nappy, so I suggested taking her shopping to buy some 'night-time pants' from a different brand. The special 'big-girl' pants would be put on just before Kayla got into bed.

The result:
Kayla's mum says: 'I can't belive it. A few days into the new routine and Kayla went to the toilet as usual but came back smiling and told us she'd done a poo! We were so happy. Rewarding Kayla with regular stickers has really helped. Kayla now goes to bed without the pants, then we lift her onto the loo when we go to bed and put them on her then. This has worked really well. Throwing away the nappies was an inspiration!'


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Thank you very much for your interest , and again our final remark as always is : Change Your Brain ,Now! 

It’s Potty Time!

Help from the expert

Heather Welford is a potty training expert and has some helpful tips and advice for parents about to take the potty plunge.
"Is it time for potty training? Choosing the right time - for you and your child - can help ensure success and save a lot of frustration", say Heather. "You can check out some of the signs that your toddler is ready by looking at the ‘8 Signs of Readiness' at  It'll help avoid starting too soon, which could mean asking your child to do something he's just not able to do. Age isn't a good guide to readiness, because children vary in how mature their bowels and bladder are, how well they understand what you want them to do, and how co-operative they feel like being, as well!"
"Most children are ready to be clean and dry in the day at some point between about two and about three years old (night time dryness usually comes later). If you've decided to start, then your first step is to buy a potty. Some taller, older children can use the loo straight away, but the advantage of a potty for learners is that it's portable, comfortable and for most toddlers, easier to use."

Heather's top tips

Keep the potty close by (one upstairs and one downstairs is useful)
Once you've decided the time's right, take your child out of nappies in the day - Huggies® Pull-Ups look like normal underwear, but cope with accidents well. Being sometimes ‘in' and sometimes ‘out' of nappies can be confusing for a toddler
If you're having a lot of accidents, and your child seems unbothered about the whole business, then it's fine to go back to nappies for a little while. It's not a ‘failure' or a ‘disaster' - just a little set-back that happens to lots of parents and toddlers
Huggies® Pull-Ups are especially useful when you're away from home, or in transit somewhere - bus, train car orpushchair

Keep a spare pair of pants or Huggies® Pull-Ups in your bag when you're out
Make sure clothing is easy to manage for quick responses - let your child wear jogging bottoms or leggings, rather than anything fastened at the waist with zips and buttons
Stay calm and encouraging when your child doesn't get to the potty in time, or if he forgets all about it - it's normal, and your child's not being naughty
When your child does a poo or a wee in the potty, even if you think it was mainly luck (it might be!), be positive and show how pleased you are. Check out the great Disney reward sticker charts at

Keep potty training fun and enjoyable - the potty dance helps a lot with this

When you're away from home, visiting, or shopping, or anywhere there are public loos, help your child get used to using the toilet, so you don't have to carry a potty with you everywhere. Your child will need help to stay sitting comfortably, and little boys may need lifting up to ‘stand and aim'.

 An Important Notice: The writer own the copyright in ; this blog ; and the material on this blog(including without limitation, the text, computer code, artwork, photographs, images on this blog). Blog adress of the material has been given at the end of the each text. Our only purpose/goal is to overview the writer & writer's works. If you become aware of any use of writer's copyright materials , please report this by e-mail to [] or post to ( . If you would like to receive more information about the text that you  are interested, please visit the website/blog. If you do not wish to publish or remove the materials that you already put on the blog, please e-mail us and we will remove the materials immediately from the blog.  
Thank you very much for your interest , and again our final remark as always is : Change Your Brain ,Now! 

Boost Your Unborn Baby’s Health

Recent research shows that what you do during pregnancy may not only help to protect your baby, but can also boost her health and improve her brain power in the future. So pop these easy ideas on your to-do list.


Regular gentle exercise could make your baby more intelligent. An American study found that mums-to-be who exercised for at least half an hour, three times a week, had children who scored higher in intelligence, coordination and oral tests at the age of 5.Try brisk walking, swimming or pregnancy-specific exercise classes such as aquanatal or yoga. Remember, it’s important to take exercise gently. Take the ‘talk test’ – if you’re too puffed to chat, slow down. Stop if you feel unwell.


Reducing stress levels will benefit both you and your baby. Listening to classical music has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression in mums-to-be. It’s also a good idea to establish a regular ‘date night’ with your partner – nights out will be few and far between once the baby arrives, so take advantage now. If you’re too tired or feeling too unwell for a night out, an evening snuggled up on the sofa with a good DVD can help you reconnect with each other.
* If you feel your relationship is really suffering, contact the counselling service Relate. To find your nearest Relate, call 0300 100 1234 or visit


It’s true! A 2004 Finnish study found that mums who ate chocolate during pregnancy had happier, more active babies. Scientists suggest that the mood-boosting chemicals in chocolate could pass to the unborn baby. ‘There’s nothing wrong with eating chocolate during pregnancy, as long as you eat it in moderation,’ says Virginia Howes, independent midwife at Kent Midwifery Practice. ‘Don’t put on any more weight than you need to – maintaining a healthy weight will be beneficial for you and your baby.’ Also, remember that chocolate contains caffeine – around 50mg in a plain 50g bar. The latest guidelines say mums-to-be should have no more than 200mg of caffeine a day – bear this in mind if you’re already using up your caffeine quota on coffee (100mg per mug of instant, 140mg per mug of filter), tea (50mg per mug) or cola (40mg per can).


Taking a daily 400mcg folic acid supplement until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy helps protect your baby from neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. It’s a good idea to take a 10mcg vitamin D supplement every day throughout pregnancy, too. We get most of our vitamin D from sunlight, but if you haven’t seen much sun during the past few months, a supplement may help. Vitamin D is particularly important during pregnancy, as it helps your baby develop strong, healthy bones...


Drinking organic milk during pregnancy and while breastfeeding could protect your baby against eczema, asthma and other allergies, a Dutch study has found. The research from 2007, reveals that organic milk protects your baby while in the womb. What’s more, mums who drink organic milk produce breastmilk that provides some protection against allergens. This may be due to the higher concentration of certain acids found in organic milk. ‘Dairy products are excellent during pregnancy,’ says midwife Virginia. ‘There’s no need to go for low-fat versions, either.’


Eating eggs during pregnancy can improve your baby’s memory and help to protect her against breast cancer later on, research has found. A US study on pregnant mice revealed that the nutrient choline, found in eggs, helped the babies’ brains develop their memories. Earlier US research on rats found that a high choline-intake during pregnancy protected the mother rats’ daughters against breast cancer. ‘Eggs are a good source of iron and protein,’ says midwife Virginia. ‘The advice generally given is not to eat raw and runny eggs due to the risk of salmonella. However, eggs that are stamped have come from vaccinated hens, which means the risk is almost non-existent. Avoid raw and runny eggs if you don’t know the origin, though.’


You’ve heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but did you know that apples may also help lower the risk of your baby developing asthma, too? A study by the University of Aberdeen found that mums-to-be who ate the most apples had babies who were less likely to develop asthma by the age of 5. Apples contain powerful antioxidants, called flavonoids, which may provide the protective effect. Another advantage is that many mums-to-be find snacking on green apples helps to combat nausea. ‘Eat as many apples as you fancy,’ says midwife Virginia. However, eating a variety of fruit is best, as this will provide a wider range of vitamins and minerals.’ Aim for five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to benefit.


Eating oily fish in the last three months of pregnancy can boost your baby’s brain development, according to a 2008 Canadian study. The last three months of pregnancy is a crucial period for the development of your baby’s eyes and brain, and researchers found that omega-3 oils, found in oily fish such as salmon, trout, fresh tuna, herring, mackerel and sardines, had positive effects on babies’ sensory, cognitive and motor development. Try having sardines on toast for an easy, healthy snack – just right for the extra 200 to 300 calories you need during the last three months of pregnancy. However, make sure you don’t eat more than two portions of oily fish per week though, as there’s concern about pollutants. Omega-3 supplements are a good alternative if you don’t like eating oily fish.
For more healthy eating ideas, see

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Thank you very much for your interest , and again our final remark as always is : Change Your Brain ,Now!